Hares Class
Welcome to Hares class
Year 5 forms part of our Upper Key Stage 2 and is the beginning of the transition of pupils from Primary to Secondary school. Throughout year 5 and 6 pupils develop greater independence and begin to have routines, for example formal homework and responsibilities, which starts to prepare them for the systems at Secondary school.
A typical day in Hares class will involve a reading and a writing lesson, Times Tables Rockstars and a Maths lesson. In addition, we study a full range of other subjects; Science, History, Geography, Art, Design technology, Computing, Music, PE, RE, French and PSHE on a rotating timetable. The children have discrete grammar lessons within Writing sessions and an arithmetic lesson and paper once a week, but the knowledge from these is embedded into all aspects of their Maths and English learning.
Please see attachments regarding the importance of reading at home with your child, reading fluency and reading speed, with a grid that your child may wish to complete to record their scores.
The overall aim in Year 5 is to ensure all children are appropriately challenged in all subjects; with a focus on explaining, applying and justifying. The learning environment is encouraging, inspiring, motivating and fun and there are always high expectations of the children. We are fortunate to each have an iPad to support us in our learning which we use every day and across all subjects in a variety of ways.
If you would like to know more about what we are studying this term please take a look at our latest class newsletter.
Please see attached Jigsaw Knowledge & Skills Progression: Healthy Me.
Associated Pages
Hares Newsletter Spring 25
AUTUMN 24 Hares Newsletter
PSHE autumn 2 overview Hares (1)
Hares Summer Newsletter
HARES Jigsaw mindful PSHE
Hares - Healthy Me
Year 5 Newsletter Spring 2024
Recording reading at home
Reading Fluency letter to parents
Hares Dreams and Goals
Hares Autumn Newsletter 2023