Hedgehogs Class
Welcome to Hedgehogs Class
Learning in Year 1 moves up a step from Reception. We have a more formal curriculum, and the children spend increasingly more time working independently at their desks. However, there are still lots of opportunities to work in a practical and collaborative way to instil the love of learning we believe so strongly in here at Wickhambrook.
A typical day in Hedgehogs class includes phonics, English and Maths, plus one of our foundation subjects; Art/DT, Geography, History, Computing and Music. We also have a weekly RE and PSHE lesson, and every Friday morning is taken over with a fantastic deep dive into Science.
We have two PE lessons a week, and some of these sessions throughout the year are taught by a qualified PE instructor, whose expertise include games, gymnastics, and dance.
We encourage children to read as often as possible, both in school and at home, to develop their fluency, pace, and love of reading. We also have a suggested list of wonderful books for you to share with your child each term (all available at the local library).
In Hedgehogs class we prioritise your children’s wellbeing and focus on helping them to understand and start to regulate their feelings.
We hope that the children find Year 1 to be exciting, enriching and rewarding, and that by the end of the year they have gained the knowledge and skills they will require to move on to Year 2 and beyond.
Please see attached Jigsaw Knowledge & Skills Progression: Healthy Me.
Associated Pages
HEDGEHOGS Newletter Summer 2024
HEDGEHOGS Jigsaw mindful PSHE
Hedgehogs - Healthy Me
Hedgehogs Dreams and Goals
Year 2 Newsletter Spring 2024
Autumn Term Hedgehog Newsletter 2023