Wickhambrook Primary Academy

GOLD School Games Mark!

We are so proud to have heard this week that we have been awarded the GOLD School Games Mark! This is a testament to all the hard work at Wickhambrook in providing sporting opportunities throughout the school day for our pupils, our awareneess of emotional literacy and our pledge towards achieving the 60 active minutes! Well done everyone!

This is always a fabulous event in the Wickhambrook school annual diary. So many new fun things to try from archery to axe throwing and a climbing wall!

The children love Enrichment day and it is thoroughly enjoyed by everyone here.

Frost won this year’s sports day! It was a scorching hot day and our Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children were amazing, putting so much effort into every event with their families and class friends cheering them on!

Our KS2 children went out next and battled very hard and it was a close run call but Frost won the trophy!

A fantastic team effort by every single pupil, well done.

Everyone enjoyed a visit from the ice cream van in the afternoon which was arranged by FOWPA, thank you so much, it was a really family day!

Our Year 6 pupils went on their last residential trip before leaving Wickhambrook!

They were all amazing and tackled so many new things with determination and confidence. The weather wasn’t the best but they still had a wonderful time, we’re so proud of them all.

What an amazing morning in school on Monday with our Paralympic guest Sean Rose – World and European water skiing champion and double Winter Paralympian gold medalist for alpine skiing.
From our youngest children to our oldest, every single one of them gave their circuits training 100% effort. Spotty dogs, press ups, squats, star jumps and lunges were the order of the morning! We then followed this up with a whole school assembly and a Q&A session. Sean was blown away by their thoughtful and interesting questions.

We are very excited that Sean Rose, a GB double winning Paralympian, as well as a champion alpine skier and skiing champion, will be visiting our school on June 4th to encourage the children to dream big and inspire the next generation!

As part of the ‘Sports for School, GB Athletes who Inspire Kids‘ initiative, Sean will be coming into school to talk to the children about his amazing experiences and also to encourage the children to take part in as many fitness circuits as they can in 5-7 minutes and the children will be sponsored to raise money for the school and support GB athletes. We look forward to welcoming him to the school!